Who We Are

In 2012, a network of freethinkers was formed via social media and the first meeting of freethinkers in Ghana was organized in the country’s capital Accra, where it has been based ever since. The group then adopted the name “Freethought Ghana” and become a social support group of freethinkers, atheists and agnostics which started off with 11 members and has grown exponentially to include Freethinkers from all over the world.

It was from this group that the Humanist Association of Ghana was born. The Organization was registered in 2015 as a non-profit under the laws of Ghana. The Humanist Association of Ghana (HAG) is an organization of atheists/agnostics and freethinkers living in Ghana who subscribe to humanism as a life stance, fight to protect human rights & promote critical thinking. We believe we can create a better society through discussion and action based on science, reason and respect for human dignity.

We believe in building a society based on human dignity, compassion for all life and ethical values. We believe human beings have a right to determine their own lives and to find meaning based on human  relationships and reason.

The Humanist Association of Ghana is a member of Humanist International, Young Humanist International  and the Atheists Alliance International

Our Objectives

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